We are open for renewals or new membership at any time of the year, although it's handy if you can try to renew your membership between 1st Nov and  the end of February.  An application form is available for 2018 (you can request a form by e-mail at any time) and this will be processed after 1st Nov 2017.

For further details, contact Paul
or download the PDF Form HERE for 2018 - (to save the file, right click on the link and select "save target as")  You can then save to your desktop or wherever........ Filename is Form2018.pdf

You can pay using paypal
( pay to )
Current subscription is £12 per year (lists sent by e-mail) or £20 per year (postal lists). All advertising is free to members.
For more info, phone Paul Batty 07792 415 886.